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Artist: Kelly Burke

About the Artist

Kelly Burke’s artwork depicts life's abstract, essence, and energy through the dissolution of material and symbolic imagery. Burke translates the difficult and beautiful experiences her changing mental health brings her, using color, form, and the physicality of painting. The repetitious layering, taking away, and reapplication of color underneath automatic scrawling, scratching, and mark-making express how she thinks about herself and the world—sometimes rough and harsh, sometimes gentle and loving. She received her bachelor of fine arts in painting and art history from Siena Heights University in 2007. She has been exhibiting her artwork throughout southeast Michigan for years.

Kelly Burke

About the Art

These pieces are part of a larger series of works called the Vulgate Series. Vulgate refers to the Latin translation of the Bible, which was the language of people practicing Catholicism in the fourth century. The Vulgate language would eventually become modern Italian. The series of paintings refers to different stages of creation and being (inception, gestation, birth, and life). Burke was most intrigued by the translation of Vulgate, a language accepted by the general masses rather than any religious significance. For her, abstraction is raw artistic expression at its basic core––a way of communicating our internal selves. Her art is simultaneously accessible and inaccessible, as everyone will have their interpretation of these types of works.

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Instagram: @kellyburkeart

Kelly's Website

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