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Stay Ahead of Legislative Changes

Your Proactive Partner in Compliance

Ensuring that your plan is in compliance with ever-changing federal and state laws can be a daunting task. Hylant proactively monitors legislative activity and provides timely and relevant updates focused on actionable items. Aside from ongoing updates, we offer a host of resources centered on ensuring your plans are compliant and benefits administration is painless.

With compliance being a close second to costs on the list of employer challenges, we have devoted resources to help you avoid having noncompliant benefits programs. Our compliance committee, comprised of team members from across our footprint, is led by a benefits industry expert with support from our outside legal counsel.

EB Compliance

Compliance Review

No one likes the sound of the word “audit.” And who has time for one, not to mention actually preparing to answer the countless questions and provide appropriate documentation?

We work alongside you before an audit happens to review your benefit plans from a compliance perspective. Sound like something you might be interested in? Talk to one of our employee benefits experts today about our comprehensive compliance review, which will help you feel confident if and when an audit is required.

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2023 Annual Compliance Roundup

2023 was another year of change in compliance as companies struggled to stay informed of health plan requirements, IRS revisions and ACA changes. Take a look at Hylant’s 2023 Compliance Year in Review.

Download the Review
Compliance Blog Roundup composite2

Webinar Recording

Learn from Our Expertise!

Topics discussed in this webinar include the employee benefits market outlook, ERISA compliance obligations, data analytics and healthcare transparency. 

Hosted by Hylant Employee Benefits COO Mark Nixon.

Trusted Advisors

Our team is ready to help you confidently address your needs.

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Further Reading

Talk With An Expert

Our experts would love to talk to you about the ever changing compliance requirements associated with being an employer offering benefit plans.

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