Japanese Practice
Serving Organizations of All Sizes in Every Industry
A Commitment to Excellence in Service
The Hylant Japanese practice is strongly positioned to serve and support Japanese organizations of all sizes in every industry, including manufacturing, service providers, technology, energy/chemicals, wholesale distribution and life sciences.
Our commitment mirrors the philosophy of excellence in service and professionalism that our clients expect.
弊社Japanese practiceは、損害保険・健康保険など福利厚生プログラムの手配を日系企業様向けに提供する専門部署として設立されました。製造、サービス、テクノロジー、エネルギー、化学、ライフサイエンス、卸売販売など、幅広い分野で保険に関するサービスを提供いたします。Hylantは、単に日系企業様向け保険ブローカーサービスの提供だけではなく、地政学リスク、人材育成、景気先行きの不透明感、マーケット変動、サイバー攻撃など、海外事業で直面する多岐にわたる課題を踏まえたコンサルティングによりリスクマネージメント戦略を提案、リスクの軽減と保険コストのバランスを見極めた上で、個々のお客様のニーズに合わせたソリューションを提供いたします。

We understand the wide range of challenges facing Japanese multinational organizations today. From geopolitical changes, human capital, global economic uncertainty, market volatility, and cyber warfare, the risks businesses face are open-ended and continually evolving over time. That's why we develop risk management solutions customized to fit your needs.
Our Commitment to Japanese Business Expertise
Our commitment mirrors the philosophy of excellence in service and professionalism that our clients expect. We provide our Japanese clients with a full menu of services and support, including:
- A dedicated team of highly experienced professionals
- Bilingual risk management service in supporting our clients’ needs for property/casualty commercial insurance, employee benefits programs and personal insurance
- Deep familiarity with the culture and business practices of Japan
- Client-oriented marketing and negotiation with both Japanese and non-Japanese insurance companies to achieve cost-effective risk management programs
- Strong, longstanding relationships with the Japanese insurance markets in the United States and abroad
- International insurance program design, marketing and implementation for Japanese multinational corporations conducting business in the U.S. and abroad
- Periodic account assessments to make certain that the full array of Hylant’s resources is utilized as appropriate
Our strong, long-term relationships in working with each of the major Japanese insurance companies provide the Hylant Japanese practice with the significant advantages of mutual trust and leverage to negotiate the most competitive pricing, terms and conditions for our clients.
Global Business Partnership

Hylant is proud to announce the establishment of a formal partnership with the insurance agency Ginsen out of Japan. Founded in 1954, Ginsen is a top-class insurance agency in Japan that precisely responds to the client’s needs. Through this unique partnership, Hylant has been able to enhance our services by facilitating the development of a cohesive servicing approach between our clients and their parent entities in Japan. We believe this partnership strongly enhances the quality of our global risk management support for our Japanese clients.
弊社Japanese Practiceでは、高品質のサービスと保険のプロとしての専門性を持って、お客様ニーズに適したサービス提供をしております。
- 日系に特化した経験豊かなプロフェッショナル・チームによるサービス提供。
- 企業向け損害保険・健康保険など福利厚生プログラム、個人向け自動車保険・住宅保険・アンブレラ保険などのバイリンガル・サポート・手配。
- 日本ならではの企業文化・商習慣に精通した「日本クオリティ」をもつサービスの提供。
- お客様のご要望を第一優先とした戦略、また200社を超える日系・非日系の保険会社との取引を通じ、費用対効果を踏まえた保険プログラム構築提案を実現。
- 日系保険会社との海外・北米での数多くの取引の強みを最大限に活かした折衝力。
- 日系企業向けにグローバルプログラムを構築・保険会社を選定・現地保険を手配。
- 弊社提供サービスが有効に活用されているかを定期的にパフォーマンス・レビューし、常にお客様のビジネスオペレーション変遷にフィットしたサービス提供を確認・提供。

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