China Practice
Serving Organizations of All Sizes in Every Industry
Your Business Is Our Priority
As one of the largest independent brokers in the U.S., Hylant’s dedicated China practice is well-positioned to serve and support Chinese-owned organizations of all sizes and in every industry in North America. We understand the wide range of challenges facing Chinese multinational organizations and offer bilingual English-Mandarin insurance and risk management services. Our deep understanding of Chinese culture and business practices allows us to provide much-needed support and customize cost-effective risk management programs for our clients.

You face unique and complex challenges as a Chinese-owned organization doing business in the U.S. With more than 100 satisfied Chinese business clients, Hylant is positioned to provide the knowledgeable, dedicated service you deserve and need. We understand Chinese culture and business practices. Our mission and promise are to take care of your business as if it were our own, delivering customized, cost-effective risk management programs and superior service. As one of the largest independently owned brokerages in the U.S., we focus on you, not investors.
中资企业在美国开展业务面临着独特而复杂的挑战,海兰集团中国事业团队已经服务了超过 100 家在美投资的中资企业,我们的专业性、方案、服务热情和反馈速度都赢得了众多好评。我们承诺将像对待我们自己公司一样照顾您的公司,按您的具体情况订制风险方案、追求最优的成本绩效、提供最卓越的服务体验。作为美国最大的独立经纪公司之一,我们专注于服务客户,而不是取悦我们的财务投资人。
Hylant offers complete risk management services, employee benefits brokerage, loss control, healthcare management and insurance solutions for businesses and individuals locally, nationally and internationally.
When you work with Hylant, you benefit from the following:
- Expert advice with navigating complex local markets
- Fast response times
- Flexible service hours
- Bilingual team members
- A dedicated claim management team
- M&A consulting
- Captive solutions
- Bilingual reports
- Service satisfaction of 100+ Chinese clients
- 在复杂的本地市场中得到专家指引
- 及时快速的回应
- 灵活的工作时间
- 双语的服务团队
- 固定的理赔支持团队
- 并购咨询服务
- 专属的解决方案
- 双语的总结报告
- 超过100家中资企业对我司的认可
WBN Member
Hylant is a member of Worldwide Broker Network (WBN), the world’s largest organization of privately held insurance brokers, with over 60 members in over 54 countries.
WBN 我司是 Worldwide Broker Network (全球保险经纪网络)的成员,该网络是世界上最大的私营保险经纪人组织,在超过 54 个国家拥有 60 多个成员。
China Practice Team - 中国业务团队

Trusted Advisors
Hylant team members are ready to advise you and help you confidently address your needs.
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Talk to an Expert
Our experts will help you find the best risk management and employee benefits options for your Chinese-owned organization.