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Moonlighting Liability Insurance

The Moonlighting Liability Insurance Program protects individual peace officers who perform extra duty jobs. In addition to protecting the officer, coverage is extended to the non-governmental entity that has contracted the officer’s services. By offering protection to the extra duty employer you have a distinct marketing advantage over other programs, which may not extend coverage to the hiring entity.

Who Needs Moonlighting Coverage?

Any peace officer who provides law enforcement services for non-governmental entities. Coverage is subject to approval from your primary governmental employer.

The Moonlighting Liability Program is not a plan offered or covered by FOP Legal Defense Plan, Inc. The Moonlighting Program is offered and insured by an outside independent insurance company and is endorsed by The Grand Lodge FOP.

All necessary documentation will be sent in the order received, please allow up to 72 business hours before contacting Lynn Young at 419-724-8726.

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Coverage Summary

  • $100,000 limit of liability, including legal defense costs for claims alleging bodily injury, property damage or personal injury while working any authorized off-duty job. Optional limits of $250,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000 are available upon request.
  • Coverage is written with an A-rated insurer.
  • No Deductible
Limit FOP Members Non-FOP Members
$100,000 $213.51 $359.70
$250,000 $440.68 $742.54
$500,000 $680.48 $1,143.25
$1,000,000 $1,578.68 $2,431.65
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Additional Services for FOP Members

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Fidelity Insurance

The lodge fidelity insurance program covers state and local lodges to protect lodge funds from dishonest acts by lodge members.

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Legal Defense for Retired Officers

Legal defense coverage has become a necessity for law enforcement, both active and retired.

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IDTheft Assist

IDTheft Assist provides affordable and reputable identity theft response services, reacting quickly to resolve and restore your financial reputation and protect your personal information.

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