Lodge Fidelity Insurance
The Lodge Fidelity Insurance Program covers state and local lodges required to maintain employee dishonesty coverage to protect lodge funds from dishonest acts by lodge members
About the Program
Article 19 of the F.O.P. Constitution and Bylaws requires each state and local lodge to maintain employee dishonesty coverage to protect lodge funds from dishonest acts by lodge members.
This program fulfills this requirement and offers the following coverage features:
- 3 Year Prepaid Policy (Kentucky lodges must add a 1.5% surcharge to premium)
- Optional Limits and Deductibles
- Broadest definition of covered Employees and Financial Loss
- Automatic Renewal – No new application required for loss free lodges.
- Available to F.O.P. Lodges in all states, except Hawaii
Limit & Deductible Options
Limit * $25,000 | Deductible $250 | 3-Year Prepaid Premium ** $308 |
* Limits requested over $25,000 are subject to additional underwriting requirements.
** Premium is considered fully earned at coverage inception.
Underwritten By
Hartford Fire Insurance Company–Rated A+ by A.M. Best Company
Blanket Employee Dishonesty Coverage– Insures for loss of money, securities and other property caused by fraudulent or dishonest acts of any employee against the F.O.P. Lodge.
Definition of Employee includes all officers, directors, volunteers and committee chairpersons whether compensated or not.
Effective Date of Coverage
- Coverage will be effective upon receipt and review of a completed application and payment.
- Policies will be mailed from The Hartford within 15 days of your coverage effective date.
The Company reserves the right to decline coverage after review of the application.
Coverage is continuous until cancelled by request of the Lodge or by non-payment of 3 year insurance premium to Hartford.
The Fidelity Bond Program is not a plan offered or covered by FOP Legal Plan, Inc. The Fidelity Bond Program is offered and insured by an outside independent insurance company and is endorsed by The Grand Lodge FOP.

Additional Services for FOP Members

Legal Defense for Retired Officers
Legal defense coverage has become a necessity for law enforcement, both active and retired.

Moonlighting Liability Insurance
The moonlighting liability insurance program protects individual peace officers who perform off-duty jobs.

IDTheft Assist
IDTheft Assist provides affordable and reputable identity theft response services, reacting quickly to resolve and restore your financial reputation and protect your personal information.