Environmental Insurance
Protecting You from Even the Most Challenging Environmental Liabilities
Pollution-related liability costs can add up quickly, seriously damaging your bottom line. Environmental insurance can help you manage your exposures, but only if it’s the right type of insurance, aligned properly with the risks you face.
Getting it right requires deep technical and regulatory understanding, which is why it’s important for you to work with an expert. That expert is Hylant.

We Identify and Understand Your Environmental Risks
Your Hylant team puts decades of commercial and industrial environmental risk management experience and insurance product knowledge to work for you. We start by getting to know you, listening to your questions and concerns. We work with you to understand your current risk mitigation plan, securing its strengths and exploring its weaknesses. Then, we use our specialized knowledge to customize a program to protect you from even the most challenging environmental liabilities.
Our expertise extends through all industry risk profiles that face environmental exposures, and project and transactional deal support such as:
- Industrial and manufacturing facilities
- Professional and contractor pollution liability insurance programs
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Real estate and investment portfolios
- Brownfield redevelopment and contaminated properties
- Regulatory and technical support for risk transfer projects
- Environmental representation and warranties
As your business needs change or new exposures emerge, we work with you to identify and close any gaps that could leave you vulnerable.
Webinar Recording: Site Pollution Liability for Transactions
Site pollution insurance forms and coverage have evolved into highly flexible instruments that can be crafted to meet the distinct exposures and objectives of a “deal” or transaction. Learn more by watching our recorded webinar.
Trusted Advisors
Our client executives become your partner to guide you to the right solutions.
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Our experts would love to talk to you about finding the best environmental insurance options for your particular needs.